MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-07 19:30:27 UTC+0000 (6 hrs, 50 mins, 31 secs ago)

In: 11,846,670,781
Out: 219,171,702
Total: 12,065,842,483

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
4047 16,381,408 281,247 16,662,655 0
22964 10,560,881 103,817 10,664,698 0
43107 9,812,249 191,445 10,003,694 0
54554 9,713,913 169,478 9,883,391 0
6939 9,716,473 132,632 9,849,105 0
59541 9,515,022 102,037 9,617,059 0
26386 9,380,277 174,357 9,554,634 0
50647 9,352,976 162,832 9,515,808 0
63535 9,333,886 166,853 9,500,739 0
53222 9,332,400 162,355 9,494,755 0
56154 9,335,528 150,412 9,485,940 0
61163 9,315,301 153,514 9,468,815 0
9360 9,320,304 142,615 9,462,919 0
5592 9,303,417 149,559 9,452,976 0
3670 9,274,342 155,971 9,430,313 0
56724 9,281,123 144,995 9,426,118 0
54903 9,254,379 162,921 9,417,300 0
47864 9,260,267 155,016 9,415,283 0
11205 9,258,000 155,553 9,413,553 0
63431 9,241,894 166,465 9,408,359 0
18531 9,257,399 140,277 9,397,676 0
50369 9,243,869 153,637 9,397,506 0
65184 9,224,817 160,703 9,385,520 0
32965 9,188,258 184,059 9,372,317 0
2990 9,222,908 144,622 9,367,530 0
26685 9,198,597 160,557 9,359,154 0
31820 9,192,612 164,788 9,357,400 0
35465 9,178,693 178,634 9,357,327 0
64341 9,193,994 154,451 9,348,445 0
23146 9,168,754 174,486 9,343,240 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 132,862,323 7,417,079,181 7,549,941,504 8,595
443 https 83,169,764 4,352,324,627 4,435,494,391 5,674
8888 1,471,163 74,385,647 75,856,810 191
666 1,668,452 2,881,326 4,549,778 2,770

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 11,846,670,781 219,171,702 12,065,842,483