MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-05-19 12:53:57 UTC+0000 (111 days, 13 hrs, 36 mins, 33 secs ago)

In: 360,561,344
Out: 11,235,051
Total: 371,796,395

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 51)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
54564 1,044,155 26,557 1,070,712 0
54434 897,744 22,786 920,530 0
54570 896,383 23,756 920,139 0
54010 896,873 22,714 919,587 0
54492 892,796 23,942 916,738 0
54468 851,585 22,797 874,382 0
54258 835,436 20,358 855,794 0
54088 818,698 21,812 840,510 0
54210 797,905 18,663 816,568 0
54336 781,175 18,376 799,551 0
54146 769,384 19,946 789,330 0
54036 763,603 20,643 784,246 0
53878 748,131 20,757 768,888 0
54306 728,079 18,108 746,187 0
54416 694,688 18,839 713,527 0
54546 689,843 18,183 708,026 0
54540 686,584 20,032 706,616 0
54494 680,692 17,668 698,360 0
54362 662,158 16,482 678,640 0
54030 644,976 15,668 660,644 0
53894 637,598 14,960 652,558 0
54268 600,389 16,785 617,174 0
54240 590,613 17,091 607,704 0
54174 544,578 13,562 558,140 0
54272 477,110 16,948 494,058 0
53826 368,580 8,472 377,052 0
53772 343,318 9,772 353,090 0
53716 324,000 7,044 331,044 0
53778 322,514 7,576 330,090 0
53718 318,056 7,516 325,572 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 11,235,051 360,561,344 371,796,395 1,374

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 360,561,344 11,235,051 371,796,395