Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-12 07:57:12 UTC+0000 (87 days, 18 hrs, 28 mins, 44 secs ago)

In: 7,290,363,735
Out: 712,285,078
Total: 8,002,648,813

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 42)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
64227 1,701,276,472 30,055,220 1,731,331,692 0
53059 1,452,209,744 26,402,399 1,478,612,143 0
4533 1,211,958,540 20,641,547 1,232,600,087 0
54003 1,032,841,248 17,177,879 1,050,019,127 0
35982 667,280,012 11,729,743 679,009,755 0
62746 483,974,856 8,803,959 492,778,815 0
7321 11,423,624 424,769,107 436,192,731 0
29513 242,506,820 4,564,167 247,070,987 0
55370 241,989,124 3,778,919 245,768,043 0
4665 98,013,316 1,987,723 100,001,039 0
28412 1,632,804 68,987,110 70,619,914 0
53635 1,478,624 61,554,006 63,032,630 0
10843 590,003 7,121 597,124 0
37826 577,326 6,021 583,347 0
6184 469,204 69,563 538,767 0
10921 231,529 3,490 235,019 0
30226 103,173 1,779 104,952 0
8566 45,645 1,212 46,857 0
4997 45,647 1,172 46,819 0
4996 45,594 1,120 46,714 0
8509 44,825 563 45,388 0
4767 41,318 1,327 42,645 0
25295 15,727 558 16,285 0
51356 13,568 423 13,991 0
4959 4,932 342 5,274 0
51042 3,954 661 4,615 0
61998 4,070 541 4,611 0
47994 3,922 661 4,583 0
45359 3,906 661 4,567 0
8508 4,097 301 4,398 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 680,521,478 7,147,054,428 7,827,575,906 12
666 1,229,391 5,294,804 6,524,195 2,004
80 http 20,561 1,532,480 1,553,041 9
1965 gemini 8,036 234,575 242,611 7
7890 260 200 460 5

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total
22206 28,141,952 3,025,776 31,167,728
40984 23,603,932 2,575,224 26,179,156
59244 15,267,116 5,313,952 20,581,068
11007 17,210,428 1,842,964 19,053,392
33553 12,560,332 3,431,868 15,992,200
28719 9,271,124 6,035,948 15,307,072
7497 12,293,156 1,438,720 13,731,876
59805 7,268,728 1,137,900 8,406,628
22109 1,606,200 1,330,900 2,937,100
23490 1,476,624 733,956 2,210,580
12945 1,142,368 403,824 1,546,192
27236 1,053,024 491,404 1,544,428
50768 569,476 191,000 760,476
42782 559,676 152,956 712,632
15834 467,344 229,848 697,192
40439 446,680 173,204 619,884
40972 450,252 153,008 603,260
1453 376,712 210,296 587,008
65199 424,320 103,064 527,384
44397 357,884 165,160 523,044
18679 253,624 163,184 416,808
36107 240,916 93,516 334,432
45760 142,080 160,244 302,324
22877 130,620 73,760 204,380
48861 0 165,968 165,968
51108 69,492 93,972 163,464
36288 65,992 70,556 136,548
52200 61,556 65,644 127,200
52603 87,204 37,836 125,040
43255 63,556 57,084 120,640

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
51820 pivpn 30,505,276 136,247,172 166,752,448
123 ntp 76 76 152

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 7,154,116,487 681,779,726 7,835,896,213
17 udp 136,247,248 30,505,352 166,752,600