MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-07 15:58:27 UTC+0000 (10 hrs, 34 mins, 31 secs ago)

In: 239,713,153
Out: 3,841,073
Total: 243,554,226

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
47318 54,364,292 819,085 55,183,377 0
52176 54,350,212 802,827 55,153,039 0
18245 28,717,462 433,690 29,151,152 0
45342 27,452,942 453,880 27,906,822 0
19737 17,977,859 282,466 18,260,325 0
20802 15,817,384 251,716 16,069,100 0
56637 14,215,402 248,540 14,463,942 0
45661 5,627,908 116,839 5,744,747 0
51007 4,831,899 108,396 4,940,295 0
46408 4,396,781 93,793 4,490,574 0
19585 4,312,592 90,181 4,402,773 0
17893 3,003,489 50,960 3,054,449 0
47651 2,573,697 35,345 2,609,042 0
21905 742,763 10,559 753,322 0
25822 303,050 4,643 307,693 0
21346 266,831 4,138 270,969 0
15440 175,894 3,582 179,476 0
2887 170,431 2,851 173,282 0
21448 159,410 3,337 162,747 0
52644 61,121 1,952 63,073 0
2637 59,789 1,376 61,165 0
14813 52,478 1,254 53,732 0
19225 19,080 788 19,868 0
19604 6,194 582 6,776 0
19776 4,655 1,347 6,002 0
15338 4,597 1,196 5,793 0
22273 wnn6 4,581 1,186 5,767 0
17886 4,517 1,167 5,684 0
54535 4,348 1,145 5,493 0
15006 4,131 1,176 5,307 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 3,235,792 202,477,703 205,713,495 30
443 https 604,774 37,233,953 37,838,727 15
666 507 1,497 2,004 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 239,713,153 3,841,073 243,554,226