Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-06 07:21:39 UTC+0000 (1 day, 19 hrs, 12 mins, 16 secs ago)

In: 4,095,695,972
Out: 77,518,037
Total: 4,173,214,009

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
1103 1,207,275,425 22,765,230 1,230,040,655 0
46774 771,008,930 14,641,922 785,650,852 0
1610 373,588,621 6,942,607 380,531,228 0
48605 311,309,723 5,606,359 316,916,082 0
15429 272,323,248 5,265,513 277,588,761 0
11590 233,654,291 4,492,067 238,146,358 0
22693 181,622,786 3,437,858 185,060,644 0
44615 154,529,833 2,863,393 157,393,226 0
58123 73,469,001 1,361,706 74,830,707 0
34702 68,325,115 1,292,882 69,617,997 0
54917 49,146,307 959,459 50,105,766 0
29136 48,729,289 902,535 49,631,824 0
19335 44,148,062 865,311 45,013,373 0
37033 33,796,362 651,256 34,447,618 0
30643 33,530,993 648,172 34,179,165 0
58247 29,740,005 559,515 30,299,520 0
61812 29,059,347 544,732 29,604,079 0
15122 27,390,614 543,411 27,934,025 0
55270 25,335,312 487,253 25,822,565 0
34851 21,876,653 401,311 22,277,964 0
41789 19,369,713 352,634 19,722,347 0
7591 17,160,513 317,453 17,477,966 0
14311 15,022,405 302,351 15,324,756 0
3146 11,012,087 223,024 11,235,111 0
15086 10,154,886 199,484 10,354,370 0
55492 9,767,896 193,430 9,961,326 0
27774 8,883,843 176,226 9,060,069 0
1108 8,403,265 176,707 8,579,972 0
12883 5,386,658 107,735 5,494,393 0
30840 2,279 2,558 4,837 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 35)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 77,298,983 4,095,036,637 4,172,335,620 37
2560 600 400 1,000 10
2576 600 400 1,000 10
2559 420 280 700 7
2558 360 240 600 6
2561 300 200 500 5
2601 zebra 240 160 400 4
2615 240 160 400 4
2614 240 160 400 4
2532 240 160 400 4
2600 zebrasrv 180 120 300 3
2573 180 120 300 3
2574 180 120 300 3
2602 ripd 180 120 300 3
2584 180 120 300 3
2575 180 120 300 3
2583 mon 180 120 300 3
2531 180 120 300 3
2644 120 80 200 2
2645 120 80 200 2
2646 120 80 200 2
57077 40 60 100 0
53807 40 60 100 0
58717 40 60 100 0
2676 60 40 100 1
52167 40 60 100 0
2675 60 40 100 1
36249 40 60 100 0
55323 40 60 100 0
2674 60 40 100 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-22 of 22)
Port Service In Out Total
42069 9,504 0 9,504
42045 2,112 0 2,112
26058 2,112 0 2,112
22274 2,112 0 2,112
48561 2,112 0 2,112
1996 2,112 0 2,112
60365 2,112 0 2,112
19122 1,616 424 2,040
46287 1,616 424 2,040
19708 1,848 0 1,848
49742 1,390 299 1,689
44955 1,390 299 1,689
61855 1,390 299 1,689
24887 1,351 299 1,650
59462 1,351 299 1,650
44355 1,351 299 1,650
16952 1,351 299 1,650
32270 1,351 299 1,650
59708 1,351 299 1,650
7648 1,349 299 1,648
8595 1,349 299 1,648
7901 293 135 428

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 69,101 633,246 702,347
51413 6,113 13,553 19,666
2846 272 0 272
2636 136 0 136
1295 136 0 136

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 4,095,048,517 77,312,103 4,172,360,620
17 udp 646,799 75,758 722,557
1 icmp 656 130,176 130,832