Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-20 20:44:16 UTC+0000 (292 days, 5 hrs, 47 mins, 23 secs ago)

In: 268,738,157
Out: 6,183,353
Total: 274,921,510

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 56)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
63699 116,674,794 1,165,958 117,840,752 0
49676 85,292,846 845,622 86,138,468 0
63030 21,282,926 233,905 21,516,831 0
62910 10,559,622 159,377 10,718,999 0
51917 8,386,115 106,282 8,492,397 0
59635 2,625,104 2,883,340 5,508,444 0
49780 4,643,157 56,308 4,699,465 0
49778 4,570,073 59,100 4,629,173 0
49779 3,304,864 40,736 3,345,600 0
49777 2,393,983 33,388 2,427,371 0
49774 1,986,964 34,872 2,021,836 0
58906 1,939,480 47,995 1,987,475 0
63704 1,664,682 22,047 1,686,729 0
61801 320,054 7,856 327,910 0
63705 249,766 4,036 253,802 0
59763 125,582 4,866 130,448 0
63706 100,144 3,495 103,639 0
62911 95,556 2,759 98,315 0
63015 75,057 1,698 76,755 0
63702 68,220 5,690 73,910 0
63542 67,180 3,330 70,510 0
63017 57,750 2,283 60,033 0
51915 44,067 6,287 50,354 0
63536 43,695 5,454 49,149 0
61410 46,506 2,065 48,571 0
27077 46,579 1,524 48,103 0
939 44,466 3,573 48,039 0
27192 44,124 1,701 45,825 0
27201 44,418 362 44,780 0
27358 44,105 617 44,722 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 52)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 2,439,312 234,413,421 236,852,733 61
443 https 550,438 30,686,715 31,237,153 102
8888 21,162 318,050 339,212 45
70 gopher 14,825 235,151 249,976 44
8443 73,283 159,120 232,403 73
19 chargen 544 59,816 60,360 2
8000 24,802 31,835 56,637 69
667 19,044 34,678 53,722 46
3389 ms-wbt-server 9,613 36,193 45,806 16
22 ssh 14,469 18,902 33,371 14
113 auth 17,513 15,266 32,779 74
1 tcpmux 10,035 9,014 19,049 47
17 qotd 6,971 10,482 17,453 33
51413 8,921 7,509 16,430 34
119 nntp 10,117 6,172 16,289 44
1935 8,791 5,772 14,563 34
9 discard 8,747 5,076 13,823 33
1965 gemini 6,912 4,223 11,135 20
513 login 6,271 4,848 11,119 34
79 finger 3,489 6,498 9,987 14
21 ftp 3,359 3,624 6,983 10
445 microsoft-ds 2,793 2,646 5,439 10
111 sunrpc 1,620 3,748 5,368 8
40249 2,586 2,448 5,034 11
389 ldap 2,264 2,379 4,643 8
39825 2,378 1,792 4,170 10
548 afpovertcp 1,308 2,116 3,424 6
44773 1,426 1,396 2,822 7
53 domain 1,311 1,208 2,519 7
34557 1,186 1,316 2,502 7

UDP ports on this host

(1-15 of 15)
Port Service In Out Total
44250 0 656 656
61523 257 78 335
54766 257 78 335
64521 257 78 335
61521 257 78 335
64520 257 78 335
61524 257 78 335
54767 257 78 335
61520 257 78 335
55841 257 78 335
61522 257 78 335
54765 257 78 335
65247 0 42 42
64522 0 42 42
61519 0 29 29

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total
137 netbios-ns 858 2,827 3,685
38076 656 0 656
14056 42 0 42
36862 42 0 42
1434 ms-sql-m 29 0 29

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 268,734,421 6,181,726 274,916,147
17 udp 2,827 1,627 4,454
1 icmp 909 0 909