Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-07 20:31:01 UTC+0000 (5 hrs, 51 mins, 57 secs ago)

In: 849,237,751
Out: 30,031,189
Total: 879,268,940

TCP ports on this host

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
3242 849,122,432 29,973,318 879,095,750 0
50401 200 260 460 0
52067 200 260 460 0
51025 200 260 460 0
30850 240 0 240 4
33213 40 60 100 0
59387 40 60 100 0
53507 40 60 100 0
39063 40 60 100 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 29,973,318 849,122,432 879,095,750 0
39192 780 600 1,380 15
7115 180 120 300 3
53039 0 240 240 0
58687 60 40 100 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 55)
Port Service In Out Total
30850 20,781 10,137 30,918
62090 19,240 8,515 27,755
34307 14,464 7,844 22,308
34381 12,957 7,787 20,744
35087 12,598 5,434 18,032
50584 6,514 3,001 9,515
46707 2,488 1,056 3,544
16352 2,252 1,195 3,447
59134 2,167 1,231 3,398
7558 1,866 858 2,724
50954 1,690 715 2,405
37124 1,332 999 2,331
13679 1,113 666 1,779
14788 1,020 666 1,686
18768 939 375 1,314
17005 676 286 962
16075 649 286 935
43205 622 264 886
48000 588 258 846
64635 444 333 777
46346 386 337 723
35967 386 337 723
31902 386 337 723
1 528 0 528
60306 338 143 481
1442 337 143 480
9460 337 143 480
60893 338 132 470
9110 339 125 464
39503 311 143 454

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-7 of 7)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 28,255 59,001 87,256
51413 27,949 54,287 82,236
39192 180 0 180
58687 144 0 144
1588 143 0 143
1 132 0 132
7115 48 0 48

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 849,123,432 29,974,338 879,097,770
17 udp 113,288 56,851 170,139
1 icmp 1,031 0 1,031