Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-13 23:25:55 UTC+0000 (86 days, 2 hrs, 56 mins, 16 secs ago)

In: 352,665,148
Out: 20,037,998,685
Total: 20,390,663,833

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 48)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
18369 180,152,212 10,793,717,083 10,973,869,295 0
19449 90,559,528 6,822,856,960 6,913,416,488 0
18397 26,136,244 1,464,259,213 1,490,395,457 0
17176 14,597,384 813,543,418 828,140,802 0
18813 2,363,116 131,610,826 133,973,942 0
18416 35,440,352 1,959,432 37,399,784 0
18420 532,677 6,039 538,716 0
17159 16,164 381,232 397,396 0
20326 93,840 228,792 322,632 0
17363 8,800 264,818 273,618 0
16850 8,788 237,418 246,206 0
17815 7,956 237,370 245,326 0
18792 8,172 236,058 244,230 0
17826 7,996 235,890 243,886 0
18490 8,868 234,578 243,446 0
17851 7,916 234,490 242,406 0
17820 8,528 232,970 241,498 0
18760 8,388 231,738 240,126 0
18479 8,028 231,594 239,622 0
16889 8,000 230,114 238,114 0
18484 8,000 228,754 236,754 0
17348 7,868 225,794 233,662 0
17821 7,900 219,998 227,898 0
20338 7,740 218,650 226,390 0
20319 8,196 217,026 225,222 0
18432 13,844 208,738 222,582 0
18795 8,188 214,274 222,462 0
20330 7,792 214,034 221,826 0
17811 7,488 214,146 221,634 0
18754 8,116 208,554 216,670 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 20,037,554,875 350,012,260 20,387,567,135 195
666 434,255 2,006,514 2,440,769 736
7890 6,039 532,677 538,716 1
80 http 2,788 112,929 115,717 3
21 ftp 728 768 1,496 4

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 352,665,148 20,037,998,685 20,390,663,833