Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-12-09 05:30:27 UTC+0000 (314 days, 1 hr, 45 mins, 15 secs ago)

In: 301,451,346
Out: 18,193,273,060
Total: 18,494,724,406

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 44)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
7621 134,522,228 9,316,587,609 9,451,109,837 0
7622 60,982,280 3,118,950,479 3,179,932,759 0
6701 50,503,284 2,722,522,588 2,773,025,872 0
4101 33,234,064 1,994,469,557 2,027,703,621 0
6272 10,386,980 528,774,231 539,161,211 0
4927 8,812,100 445,522,317 454,334,417 0
6814 917,076 42,572,778 43,489,854 0
6813 476,980 23,296,350 23,773,330 0
5632 759,192 101,379 860,571 0
6838 407,172 62,947 470,119 0
5690 124,040 344,466 468,506 0
6379 redis 57,484 14,082 71,566 0
7712 31,129 33,005 64,134 0
6992 38,651 1,516 40,167 0
7721 32,175 1,448 33,623 0
7718 30,735 1,372 32,107 0
8162 18,438 788 19,226 0
6747 12,746 696 13,442 0
8129 9,037 528 9,565 0
8133 8,411 560 8,971 0
8147 7,455 540 7,995 0
7725 6,339 540 6,879 0
7727 6,235 372 6,607 0
6722 5,513 424 5,937 0
7015 4,771 448 5,219 0
7740 3,667 380 4,047 0
4539 3,501 320 3,821 0
4497 2,927 276 3,203 0
6740 2,878 268 3,146 0
6989 2,540 268 2,808 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 33)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 18,193,218,783 301,182,880 18,494,401,663 12
21 ftp 33,005 31,129 64,134 1
9727 1,516 38,651 40,167 1
5775 1,448 32,175 33,623 1
58868 1,372 30,735 32,107 1
26871 788 18,438 19,226 1
5530 696 12,746 13,442 1
13326 528 9,037 9,565 1
25931 560 8,411 8,971 2
60657 540 7,455 7,995 1
59571 540 6,339 6,879 1
23129 372 6,235 6,607 1
12817 424 5,513 5,937 1
55676 448 4,771 5,219 1
10694 380 3,667 4,047 2
47245 320 3,501 3,821 1
21918 276 2,927 3,203 2
29722 268 2,878 3,146 1
63532 268 2,540 2,808 1
24121 268 2,432 2,700 1
61500 268 2,428 2,696 1
63772 268 2,295 2,563 1
46422 268 2,173 2,441 1
24757 400 1,626 2,026 3
19973 268 1,593 1,861 1
51439 216 1,321 1,537 1
20797 216 1,312 1,528 1
14622 216 1,217 1,433 1
31527 216 1,145 1,361 1
28391 216 1,106 1,322 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 301,451,346 18,193,273,060 18,494,724,406