Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-07-28 13:09:20 UTC+0000 (41 days, 13 hrs, 22 mins, 22 secs ago)

In: 52,900,114,395
Out: 619,240,419
Total: 53,519,354,814

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 38)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
65410 2,448,270,720 29,198,244 2,477,468,964 0
65341 2,438,845,808 30,793,900 2,469,639,708 0
64657 2,440,022,989 27,815,532 2,467,838,521 0
63851 2,440,703,522 26,411,436 2,467,114,958 0
65070 2,437,235,729 26,494,024 2,463,729,753 0
65202 2,437,652,092 26,063,724 2,463,715,816 0
64712 1,381,031,867 15,100,768 1,396,132,635 0
65144 1,102,380,013 12,131,268 1,114,511,281 0
65507 1,000,189,017 11,281,112 1,011,470,129 0
63497 941,024,450 9,394,136 950,418,586 0
63960 894,477,818 10,141,560 904,619,378 0
65293 818,748,861 9,740,064 828,488,925 0
63786 815,639,572 9,555,232 825,194,804 0
63572 799,454,897 8,805,732 808,260,629 0
64276 785,551,836 8,651,840 794,203,676 0
63756 785,411,486 8,689,824 794,101,310 0
64791 775,435,821 9,455,960 784,891,781 0
65521 737,859,843 8,865,220 746,725,063 0
64149 713,455,704 8,753,448 722,209,152 0
64155 711,225,440 8,327,452 719,552,892 0
64971 531,403,048 6,779,404 538,182,452 0
63868 504,092,375 5,939,620 510,031,995 0
64907 501,428,917 5,281,896 506,710,813 0
64000 484,016,769 6,401,128 490,417,897 0
64396 478,074,249 5,143,084 483,217,333 0
64231 473,892,018 5,220,212 479,112,230 0
64343 429,466,189 4,851,884 434,318,073 0
65387 399,753,282 4,109,764 403,863,046 0
63567 382,744,808 3,664,128 386,408,936 0
64086 370,015,060 4,336,040 374,351,100 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 32)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
43695 29,188,792 2,448,033,137 2,477,221,929 1
7704 30,832,972 2,440,764,024 2,471,596,996 1
27316 26,411,128 2,440,700,663 2,467,111,791 1
37579 27,778,172 2,437,753,321 2,465,531,493 1
64295 26,491,964 2,437,137,169 2,463,629,133 1
59108 25,985,636 2,431,964,955 2,457,950,591 0
8082 15,099,744 1,381,029,512 1,396,129,256 1
47872 12,130,856 1,102,375,040 1,114,505,896 1
63879 11,274,772 999,963,557 1,011,238,329 1
32807 10,110,656 892,719,285 902,829,941 2
41654 9,745,172 818,793,524 828,538,696 2
10721 9,541,924 815,305,752 824,847,676 1
5748 8,804,752 799,412,315 808,217,067 1
51863 7,916,760 799,234,136 807,150,896 1
22669 8,688,460 785,340,960 794,029,420 1
46431 9,447,588 775,165,426 784,613,014 1
27234 8,367,784 763,975,781 772,343,565 0
5309 8,865,220 737,859,843 746,725,063 1
40223 8,753,448 713,455,704 722,209,152 1
32531 8,327,452 711,225,440 719,552,892 1
35267 6,760,044 530,541,824 537,301,868 1
19442 5,894,556 501,943,932 507,838,488 1
52268 5,281,588 501,426,808 506,708,396 1
27103 5,143,084 478,074,249 483,217,333 1
54354 5,220,212 473,892,018 479,112,230 1
13312 4,796,700 426,453,254 431,249,954 1
44514 4,109,764 399,753,282 403,863,046 1
51891 3,664,128 382,744,808 386,408,936 1
46566 4,324,224 369,589,376 373,913,600 1
47986 4,075,796 369,477,984 373,553,780 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 52,900,114,395 619,240,419 53,519,354,814