MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-19 09:42:26 UTC+0000 (19 days, 16 hrs, 39 mins, 9 secs ago)

In: 324,321,933
Out: 5,027,122
Total: 329,349,055

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 47)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
3928 54,439,772 819,229 55,259,001 0
7363 54,407,292 809,927 55,217,219 0
4401 54,398,951 790,849 55,189,800 0
27065 54,314,092 818,908 55,133,000 0
34587 43,079,759 669,187 43,748,946 0
33893 40,159,848 629,997 40,789,845 0
26394 3,562,340 82,432 3,644,772 0
35166 2,820,914 59,063 2,879,977 0
3145 2,618,372 56,242 2,674,614 0
25630 2,492,551 65,528 2,558,079 0
11707 2,051,231 24,912 2,076,143 0
13445 2,042,351 24,797 2,067,148 0
14528 2,008,311 24,335 2,032,646 0
8389 1,354,372 35,220 1,389,592 0
32839 1,178,797 17,090 1,195,887 0
10195 742,763 10,563 753,326 0
11415 597,902 9,174 607,076 0
33115 440,457 6,477 446,934 0
60744 312,961 4,822 317,783 0
61504 252,008 3,968 255,976 0
25160 201,198 3,824 205,022 0
25742 162,825 3,907 166,732 0
59137 131,367 2,890 134,257 0
4675 63,593 1,989 65,582 0
32520 61,880 1,950 63,830 0
25058 57,664 1,907 59,571 0
12693 57,556 1,908 59,464 0
25228 57,173 1,910 59,083 0
37258 22,575 1,374 23,949 0
33984 18,546 801 19,347 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 3,971,631 255,666,614 259,638,245 37
443 https 1,054,991 68,654,704 69,709,695 39
666 500 615 1,115 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 324,321,933 5,027,122 329,349,055