MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-07 19:29:27 UTC+0000 (7 hrs, 1 min, 48 secs ago)

In: 13,043,913,140
Out: 229,787,105
Total: 13,273,700,245

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 38)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
34427 18,542,161 261,594 18,803,755 0
32025 10,308,052 206,875 10,514,927 0
33940 10,188,232 70,513 10,258,745 0
8198 10,048,405 96,892 10,145,297 0
41628 9,988,463 88,893 10,077,356 0
44149 9,917,573 103,019 10,020,592 0
9705 9,792,801 67,464 9,860,265 0
36132 9,773,216 85,025 9,858,241 0
9699 9,610,126 142,721 9,752,847 0
10193 9,592,478 115,260 9,707,738 0
52936 9,562,189 130,713 9,692,902 0
57428 9,538,149 153,766 9,691,915 0
52453 9,508,485 163,420 9,671,905 0
36855 9,550,798 65,952 9,616,750 0
15318 9,522,088 83,480 9,605,568 0
5160 9,487,752 114,005 9,601,757 0
18133 9,500,102 93,275 9,593,377 0
50653 9,494,652 93,629 9,588,281 0
5088 9,439,288 132,728 9,572,016 0
20879 9,378,077 184,178 9,562,255 0
20652 9,385,844 170,995 9,556,839 0
19624 9,441,611 110,622 9,552,233 0
9781 9,356,020 171,999 9,528,019 0
26247 9,348,453 174,994 9,523,447 0
43880 9,367,126 148,741 9,515,867 0
37994 9,333,678 171,733 9,505,411 0
21473 9,329,690 174,595 9,504,285 0
46214 9,400,600 92,604 9,493,204 0
62478 9,335,451 146,982 9,482,433 0
54248 9,352,975 102,858 9,455,833 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-6 of 6)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 143,398,823 8,465,967,521 8,609,366,344 9,277
443 https 82,495,918 4,458,697,516 4,541,193,434 5,828
8888 2,200,019 116,436,678 118,636,697 187
666 1,689,387 2,809,632 4,499,019 2,806
8443 2,390 1,100 3,490 4
8000 568 693 1,261 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 13,043,913,140 229,787,105 13,273,700,245