MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-07-31 20:30:43 UTC+0000 (38 days, 5 hrs, 55 mins, 48 secs ago)

In: 344,269,829
Out: 4,575,131
Total: 348,844,960

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 39)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
44290 3,552,516 37,264 3,589,780 0
33732 3,005,220 48,889 3,054,109 0
52332 2,838,914 19,058 2,857,972 0
58826 2,576,992 29,248 2,606,240 0
60706 2,502,098 34,277 2,536,375 0
54088 2,450,156 28,392 2,478,548 0
33082 2,431,208 27,868 2,459,076 0
53394 2,367,466 20,958 2,388,424 0
45374 2,305,106 31,876 2,336,982 0
58104 2,299,630 34,434 2,334,064 0
35976 2,204,058 30,671 2,234,729 0
50304 2,201,710 29,514 2,231,224 0
48922 2,201,774 16,870 2,218,644 0
48462 2,162,710 25,421 2,188,131 0
42022 2,131,192 46,008 2,177,200 0
55692 2,138,622 27,982 2,166,604 0
55786 2,101,140 16,538 2,117,678 0
44276 2,084,438 27,851 2,112,289 0
53392 2,076,210 35,186 2,111,396 0
33050 2,080,616 30,059 2,110,675 0
50866 2,087,108 16,171 2,103,279 0
39314 2,085,655 13,103 2,098,758 0
35560 2,058,376 16,152 2,074,528 0
33042 2,054,788 16,417 2,071,205 0
55396 2,034,862 17,186 2,052,048 0
46326 2,032,600 14,296 2,046,896 0
52340 2,022,906 19,249 2,042,155 0
39116 2,022,424 15,340 2,037,764 0
57220 2,002,564 19,471 2,022,035 0
35850 1,998,664 17,280 2,015,944 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 3,939,154 331,333,217 335,272,371 223
443 https 635,977 12,936,612 13,572,589 296

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 344,269,829 4,575,131 348,844,960