Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-16 10:43:56 UTC+0000 (9 hrs, 29 mins, 8 secs ago)

In: 299,792,737
Out: 5,827,796
Total: 305,620,533

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
35218 203,681,207 3,748,420 207,429,627 0
52788 56,410,944 1,068,040 57,478,984 0
33732 12,068,456 250,527 12,318,983 0
35738 8,179,387 178,157 8,357,544 0
37116 7,351,958 163,766 7,515,724 0
35940 3,214,004 96,045 3,310,049 0
43828 2,892,919 76,956 2,969,875 0
40626 2,276,750 73,098 2,349,848 0
36036 1,148,145 42,529 1,190,674 0
60740 928,097 35,098 963,195 0
42748 306,182 11,588 317,770 0
58648 299,110 11,392 310,502 0
52878 83,903 3,492 87,395 0
58174 62,913 2,711 65,624 0
49722 62,184 2,729 64,913 0
35576 45,158 1,977 47,135 0
38280 41,488 1,891 43,379 0
45742 39,287 1,921 41,208 0
40898 36,263 1,800 38,063 0
36178 35,885 1,835 37,720 0
33708 35,885 1,783 37,668 0
32902 33,898 1,665 35,563 0
34996 29,244 1,323 30,567 0
42668 28,552 1,475 30,027 0
47154 27,454 1,516 28,970 0
45852 27,454 1,500 28,954 0
59660 26,964 1,435 28,399 0
41454 26,580 1,163 27,743 0
59846 25,482 1,403 26,885 0
41582 25,482 1,403 26,885 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 5,827,048 299,790,115 305,617,163 87
443 https 748 2,622 3,370 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 299,792,737 5,827,796 305,620,533