Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-16 11:18:42 UTC+0000 (8 hrs, 59 mins, 26 secs ago)

In: 237,970,619
Out: 4,506,934
Total: 242,477,553

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 55)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
46612 231,285,776 4,292,552 235,578,328 0
60808 4,537,113 112,367 4,649,480 0
46506 499,820 18,697 518,517 0
36512 487,266 18,258 505,524 0
39216 165,831 6,501 172,332 0
58486 157,891 6,189 164,080 0
56804 84,639 3,529 88,168 0
51662 57,905 2,527 60,432 0
41604 57,905 2,371 60,276 0
59274 53,424 2,417 55,841 0
45788 42,166 2,044 44,210 0
60500 42,166 2,044 44,210 0
50068 39,287 1,921 41,208 0
48476 39,287 1,825 41,112 0
39416 36,263 1,816 38,079 0
49570 36,263 1,748 38,011 0
36074 33,697 1,653 35,350 0
33960 27,454 1,396 28,850 0
40328 23,660 1,322 24,982 0
51044 19,920 1,181 21,101 0
59800 18,196 1,073 19,269 0
38126 17,593 1,154 18,747 0
55786 16,744 1,059 17,803 0
60444 14,570 993 15,563 0
60324 13,952 974 14,926 0
46466 9,046 820 9,866 0
43966 9,046 820 9,866 0
56534 8,991 817 9,808 0
49266 8,991 817 9,808 0
58366 8,991 817 9,808 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 4,506,934 237,970,619 242,477,553 54

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 237,970,619 4,506,934 242,477,553