MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-25 06:06:57 UTC+0000 (287 days, 20 hrs, 24 mins, 43 secs ago)

In: 252,742,339
Out: 6,941,790
Total: 259,684,129

TCP ports on this host

The table is empty.

TCP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 44)
Port Service In Out Total
31734 248,091,903 6,941,790 255,033,693
0 11,564 0 11,564
65531 4,956 0 4,956
21845 4,424 0 4,424
64482 3,136 0 3,136
43690 2,464 0 2,464
57924 1,876 0 1,876
32768 1,176 0 1,176
8192 644 0 644
560 364 0 364
23308 280 0 280
25152 224 0 224
8472 224 0 224
8965 168 0 168
18592 168 0 168
9004 140 0 140
49634 140 0 140
132 140 0 140
49794 140 0 140
8704 112 0 112
57956 112 0 112
32902 112 0 112
13838 112 0 112
4938 112 0 112
20546 84 0 84
2841 84 0 84
29776 84 0 84
1059 56 0 56
60050 28 0 28
6533 28 0 28

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 34)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 6,941,790 248,092,099 255,033,889
0 0 12,236 12,236
21845 0 4,340 4,340
64482 0 4,256 4,256
65531 0 3,584 3,584
43690 0 2,464 2,464
57924 0 1,484 1,484
32768 0 784 784
57956 0 588 588
3072 0 308 308
43113 0 252 252
12436 0 224 224
25675 0 224 224
40088 0 196 196
53153 0 196 196
39052 0 168 168
38437 0 168 168
65280 0 168 168
22419 0 140 140
11404 0 140 140
33669 0 140 140
33120 0 140 140
1122 0 112 112
16514 0 84 84
24369 0 84 84
22253 0 56 56
47750 0 56 56
18181 0 56 56
47308 0 28 28
43514 0 28 28

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 252,742,339 6,941,790 259,684,129