MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-05 20:57:06 UTC+0000 (2 days, 5 hrs, 36 mins, 40 secs ago)

In: 209,361,955
Out: 3,927,116
Total: 213,289,071

TCP ports on this host

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
65340 209,250,685 3,883,557 213,134,242 0
59883 40 60 100 0
1295 40 60 100 0
3951 40 60 100 0
40056 40 60 100 0
18195 40 60 100 0
6686 40 60 100 0
49177 40 60 100 0
33182 40 60 100 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 3,883,557 209,250,685 213,134,242 1
50905 480 320 800 8

UDP ports on this host

(1-27 of 27)
Port Service In Out Total
57782 6,760 2,860 9,620
3735 1,941 985 2,926
58931 1,693 715 2,408
1367 1,685 715 2,400
9516 2,112 0 2,112
24001 1,352 572 1,924
60904 1,352 572 1,924
45642 1,352 572 1,924
44357 1,244 528 1,772
15508 1,584 0 1,584
43011 1,584 0 1,584
13502 1,584 0 1,584
38529 1,584 0 1,584
47967 1,146 396 1,542
61347 1,320 0 1,320
39319 1,056 0 1,056
30915 622 286 908
17555 622 286 908
25483 622 286 908
4574 553 333 886
64608 436 132 568
32380 436 132 568
43707 528 0 528
62009 528 0 528
60667 353 143 496
33844 340 134 474
1116 311 143 454

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total
51413 27,419 63,855 91,274
49757 14,537 45,692 60,229
1203 875 0 875
1195 132 0 132
31774 116 0 116

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 209,251,005 3,884,037 213,135,042
17 udp 109,547 43,079 152,626
1 icmp 1,403 0 1,403