Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-01 22:53:06 UTC+0000 (37 days, 3 hrs, 34 mins, 41 secs ago)

In: 6,158,064,574
Out: 118,982,225
Total: 6,277,046,799

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
37986 194,467,702 3,518,123 197,985,825 0
37768 186,528,261 3,377,522 189,905,783 0
37404 174,588,457 3,061,036 177,649,493 0
37636 158,028,113 2,866,819 160,894,932 0
51706 146,103,630 2,656,546 148,760,176 0
51842 145,910,666 2,680,256 148,590,922 0
52966 145,812,486 2,656,722 148,469,208 0
52530 145,679,214 2,658,378 148,337,592 0
51126 145,528,236 2,657,422 148,185,658 0
52062 144,734,348 2,634,921 147,369,269 0
36860 127,782,120 2,365,834 130,147,954 0
37294 126,653,059 2,340,402 128,993,461 0
36638 116,892,868 2,152,246 119,045,114 0
36918 111,115,558 2,091,273 113,206,831 0
51304 108,287,791 1,941,938 110,229,729 0
38358 95,549,425 1,754,219 97,303,644 0
36572 89,980,408 1,694,191 91,674,599 0
35830 82,042,176 1,492,325 83,534,501 0
45710 80,473,095 1,431,553 81,904,648 0
38108 79,804,847 1,420,132 81,224,979 0
51964 77,897,005 1,407,312 79,304,317 0
37262 71,482,736 1,303,822 72,786,558 0
37356 68,648,794 1,153,416 69,802,210 0
37818 68,109,824 1,120,730 69,230,554 0
37014 65,443,054 1,175,512 66,618,566 0
38314 60,181,088 1,124,250 61,305,338 0
37204 57,888,756 1,051,450 58,940,206 0
37210 57,457,143 1,038,136 58,495,279 0
37060 57,342,805 1,095,572 58,438,377 0
52862 57,298,433 1,036,364 58,334,797 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
1965 gemini 67,697,340 3,480,699,662 3,548,397,002 1,597
70 gopher 51,283,753 2,677,363,538 2,728,647,291 1,722
79 finger 1,132 1,374 2,506 4

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 6,158,064,574 118,982,225 6,277,046,799