MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-26 04:19:36 UTC+0000 (12 days, 22 hrs, 3 mins, 11 secs ago)

In: 4,539,361,980
Out: 57,844,597
Total: 4,597,206,577

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 42)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
60792 196,784,036 2,312,935 199,096,971 0
53006 196,523,194 2,284,406 198,807,600 0
51592 170,003,169 1,912,534 171,915,703 0
51056 163,886,283 1,939,056 165,825,339 0
58928 159,828,483 1,895,114 161,723,597 0
58406 159,661,139 1,857,581 161,518,720 0
45390 144,694,114 1,708,635 146,402,749 0
60606 144,553,992 1,696,454 146,250,446 0
52602 138,628,199 1,776,197 140,404,396 0
50646 138,423,461 1,825,910 140,249,371 0
34382 138,304,191 1,571,006 139,875,197 0
38048 127,977,207 1,441,812 129,419,019 0
32908 120,908,516 1,425,824 122,334,340 0
56008 117,130,439 1,379,201 118,509,640 0
34886 91,719,588 1,177,607 92,897,195 0
50978 85,122,585 971,788 86,094,373 0
53810 81,950,004 885,891 82,835,895 0
56992 80,847,124 997,131 81,844,255 0
52048 62,379,813 693,193 63,073,006 0
36240 60,217,075 705,506 60,922,581 0
42386 60,117,271 711,835 60,829,106 0
40318 59,582,234 701,216 60,283,450 0
43160 54,886,744 657,130 55,543,874 0
46540 49,526,325 575,245 50,101,570 0
37578 49,405,398 554,882 49,960,280 0
51958 48,728,073 588,427 49,316,500 0
36560 46,971,363 599,483 47,570,846 0
35922 38,488,176 465,978 38,954,154 0
35216 33,911,303 408,908 34,320,211 0
49196 33,074,028 416,497 33,490,525 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
1965 gemini 57,844,597 4,539,361,980 4,597,206,577 673

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 4,539,361,980 57,844,597 4,597,206,577