MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-30 00:23:32 UTC+0000 (17 days, 19 hrs, 51 mins, 16 secs ago)

In: 495,968,814
Out: 9,046,963
Total: 505,015,777

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
46432 392,310,232 6,568,004 398,878,236 0
43356 25,898,673 540,021 26,438,694 0
53580 22,091,884 479,476 22,571,360 0
59272 20,247,899 478,312 20,726,211 0
62436 15,344,132 370,856 15,714,988 0
62288 12,824,713 333,552 13,158,265 0
38666 5,366,280 188,793 5,555,073 0
33752 642,226 22,205 664,431 0
50282 450,165 15,806 465,971 0
58510 176,026 6,573 182,599 0
32894 171,923 6,349 178,272 0
45042 47,608 2,065 49,673 0
54380 39,183 1,773 40,956 0
60986 31,856 1,575 33,431 0
52648 28,955 1,412 30,367 0
62686 24,556 1,319 25,875 0
41550 21,508 1,218 22,726 0
45714 17,172 1,023 18,195 0
51402 17,172 1,007 18,179 0
61130 15,207 1,013 16,220 0
50800 13,952 923 14,875 0
50202 12,458 911 13,369 0
51830 12,458 843 13,301 0
53212 11,416 850 12,266 0
41016 10,339 818 11,157 0
43578 10,339 818 11,157 0
62818 9,443 803 10,246 0
63036 8,470 610 9,080 0
39676 7,898 724 8,622 0
40974 7,099 722 7,821 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 9,046,963 495,968,814 505,015,777 58

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 495,968,814 9,046,963 505,015,777