MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-06 11:22:21 UTC+0000 (10 days, 9 hrs, 4 mins, 55 secs ago)

In: 415,928,493
Out: 8,033,079
Total: 423,961,572

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 35)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
37614 201,986,741 3,466,323 205,453,064 0
45708 77,926,509 1,373,713 79,300,222 0
53658 39,806,585 757,533 40,564,118 0
64028 30,620,067 639,635 31,259,702 0
47008 27,451,314 567,833 28,019,147 0
50222 12,692,290 337,092 13,029,382 0
44024 7,445,005 235,169 7,680,174 0
50908 6,215,875 201,629 6,417,504 0
56516 3,536,017 122,530 3,658,547 0
65090 3,175,298 119,775 3,295,073 0
33594 2,565,587 100,667 2,666,254 0
42362 748,991 26,320 775,311 0
54168 436,131 15,376 451,507 0
40386 253,631 9,207 262,838 0
59958 166,083 6,137 172,220 0
58122 137,982 5,192 143,174 0
61672 84,975 3,371 88,346 0
47996 82,137 3,297 85,434 0
58624 44,304 1,942 46,246 0
38702 43,408 1,940 45,348 0
64196 39,183 1,841 41,024 0
41766 39,183 1,825 41,008 0
37642 36,159 1,696 37,855 0
49952 36,159 1,688 37,847 0
45292 35,672 1,702 37,374 0
43466 33,188 1,652 34,840 0
59512 29,320 1,477 30,797 0
49080 26,016 1,367 27,383 0
44372 20,100 1,147 21,247 0
34654 18,204 1,070 19,274 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 8,033,079 415,928,493 423,961,572 65

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 415,928,493 8,033,079 423,961,572