Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-05 07:05:09 UTC+0000 (2 days, 19 hrs, 29 mins, 15 secs ago)

In: 732,401,159
Out: 12,642,257
Total: 745,043,416

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
55182 361,243,732 6,075,992 367,319,724 0
57648 355,645,034 6,075,103 361,720,137 0
38404 10,715,338 286,233 11,001,571 0
40002 2,765,790 96,570 2,862,360 0
60120 217,667 7,994 225,661 0
64060 215,958 7,887 223,845 0
42156 171,923 6,288 178,211 0
61868 146,975 5,356 152,331 0
33280 120,213 4,628 124,841 0
53658 115,675 4,496 120,171 0
55546 110,399 4,215 114,614 0
56656 106,138 4,130 110,268 0
54312 96,054 3,797 99,851 0
59648 62,601 2,592 65,193 0
59956 62,601 2,592 65,193 0
40960 38,336 1,783 40,119 0
64806 36,159 1,696 37,855 0
46712 31,000 1,485 32,485 0
58836 30,396 1,546 31,942 0
48504 25,888 1,367 27,255 0
49888 23,864 1,270 25,134 0
38262 21,764 1,211 22,975 0
34090 20,176 1,111 21,287 0
52864 19,356 1,111 20,467 0
61120 17,512 1,054 18,566 0
39850 17,172 1,059 18,231 0
37928 17,000 1,059 18,059 0
47330 16,198 1,036 17,234 0
63704 15,241 997 16,238 0
64838 14,466 941 15,407 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 12,641,816 732,400,488 745,042,304 87
666 441 671 1,112 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 732,401,159 12,642,257 745,043,416