MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-07-26 07:40:53 UTC+0000 (43 days, 18 hrs, 39 mins, 55 secs ago)

In: 1,094,309,140
Out: 4,102,917
Total: 1,098,412,057

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 36)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
55394 105,170,336 338,223 105,508,559 0
55243 104,981,711 389,468 105,371,179 0
55197 104,852,920 340,975 105,193,895 0
58022 104,806,960 361,366 105,168,326 0
55359 104,631,220 328,416 104,959,636 0
55499 104,595,633 330,452 104,926,085 0
55143 104,398,696 317,798 104,716,494 0
2658 81,166,910 234,496 81,401,406 0
55141 62,613,208 250,127 62,863,335 0
55178 49,400,369 153,631 49,554,000 0
56401 47,256,980 168,745 47,425,725 0
55154 17,578,927 70,666 17,649,593 0
55270 13,955,610 57,292 14,012,902 0
55263 13,130,934 55,221 13,186,155 0
55159 12,119,184 65,479 12,184,663 0
2705 10,868,032 49,660 10,917,692 0
55366 10,822,889 65,668 10,888,557 0
55463 10,820,155 60,537 10,880,692 0
56420 10,314,268 59,758 10,374,026 0
2601 zebra 2,961,446 35,348 2,996,794 0
2700 2,888,585 32,550 2,921,135 0
55377 1,744,373 13,584 1,757,957 0
55124 1,544,270 18,221 1,562,491 0
55233 1,542,453 16,193 1,558,646 0
55257 1,534,315 11,681 1,545,996 0
55395 1,278,402 11,264 1,289,666 0
55305 1,268,714 10,703 1,279,417 0
55232 857,020 4,858 861,878 0
2688 680,169 3,305 683,474 0
56354 593,760 3,238 596,998 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
1965 gemini 4,102,917 1,094,309,140 1,098,412,057 283

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,094,309,140 4,102,917 1,098,412,057