MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-03 10:18:45 UTC+0000 (4 days, 16 hrs, 12 mins, 29 secs ago)

In: 8,257,058
Out: 352,181,080
Total: 360,438,138

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
64872 4,745,340 349,774,845 354,520,185 2
43344 3,212 2,023 5,235 0
37100 2,442 1,473 3,915 0
48808 1,750 1,207 2,957 0
60162 1,638 1,277 2,915 0
60310 1,701 1,173 2,874 0
39476 1,728 1,141 2,869 0
49810 1,686 1,173 2,859 0
48862 1,663 1,196 2,859 0
58066 1,659 1,199 2,858 0
53066 1,691 1,153 2,844 0
49244 1,602 1,218 2,820 0
41310 1,726 1,092 2,818 0
42910 1,763 1,051 2,814 0
58242 1,611 1,199 2,810 0
44568 1,599 1,198 2,797 0
35850 1,630 1,164 2,794 0
58724 1,644 1,150 2,794 0
37966 1,606 1,187 2,793 0
38448 1,753 1,036 2,789 0
60384 1,613 1,174 2,787 0
54384 1,585 1,198 2,783 0
53412 1,595 1,183 2,778 0
48454 1,664 1,104 2,768 0
47030 1,664 1,097 2,761 0
48232 1,641 1,115 2,756 0
51418 1,550 1,206 2,756 0
40148 1,576 1,175 2,751 0
44934 1,620 1,126 2,746 0
45370 1,520 1,223 2,743 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
33893 349,773,815 4,744,307 354,518,122 0
49757 1,446,380 1,841,303 3,287,683 1,495
59973 535 665 1,200 0
48883 495 368 863 0
36322 156 120 276 3
1875 104 80 184 2
1566 52 40 92 1
40553 52 40 92 1
1792 52 40 92 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total
64872 1,660,872 0 1,660,872
57995 4,544 1,750 6,294
51811 1,619 625 2,244
14435 1,296 512 1,808
10773 586 256 842
6881 318 488 806
18352 311 143 454
65029 313 125 438
36322 0 180 180

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 2,000 1,665,206 1,667,206
51413 1,899 4,653 6,552
36322 180 0 180

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 6,586,963 351,221,641 357,808,604
17 udp 1,669,859 4,079 1,673,938
1 icmp 236 955,360 955,596