MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-04-13 14:55:10 UTC+0000 (147 days, 11 hrs, 41 mins, 56 secs ago)

In: 1,192,826,539
Out: 13,341,679
Total: 1,206,168,218

TCP ports on this host

(1-11 of 11)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
23841 700,728,844 5,439,511 706,168,355 0
18875 160 208 368 0
12796 160 208 368 0
4901 160 208 368 0
52194 160 208 368 0
11638 160 208 368 0
19943 40 52 92 0
42784 40 52 92 0
62795 40 52 92 0
19935 40 52 92 0
27904 40 52 92 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 5,439,511 700,728,844 706,168,355 0
1886 780 600 1,380 15
1885 520 400 920 10

UDP ports on this host

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
63223 492,080,731 7,900,571 499,981,302
29093 13,728 0 13,728
31378 336 297 633

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 7,899,668 492,094,795 499,994,463
1886 720 0 720
1885 480 0 480

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 700,729,844 5,440,811 706,170,655
17 udp 492,094,795 7,900,868 499,995,663
1 icmp 1,900 0 1,900