MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-08 02:19:37 UTC+0000 (15 secs ago)

In: 265,610,502
Out: 337,617,478
Total: 603,227,980

TCP ports on this host

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
53 domain 485,909 1,580,819 2,066,728 1,548
853 domain-s 6,440 110,216 116,656 0
443 https 17,876 81,976 99,852 7

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 36)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
59536 21,591 1,218 22,809 0
54574 21,140 1,218 22,358 0
51854 21,140 1,209 22,349 0
54580 21,140 1,206 22,346 0
59552 21,140 1,206 22,346 0
54644 21,088 1,218 22,306 0
44678 21,088 1,218 22,306 0
51636 21,152 1,149 22,301 0
54924 21,140 1,154 22,294 0
39560 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
40832 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
51858 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
44716 21,140 1,154 22,294 0
54598 21,140 1,154 22,294 0
51876 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
54590 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
51894 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
44694 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
54986 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
54952 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
54594 21,140 1,154 22,294 0
40822 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
54962 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
59186 21,140 1,154 22,294 0
39552 21,088 1,206 22,294 0
54622 21,140 1,126 22,266 0
54586 21,088 1,166 22,254 0
54608 21,140 1,114 22,254 0
40812 21,088 1,166 22,254 0
44700 21,088 1,166 22,254 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
53 domain 126,261,155 226,086,371 352,347,526

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total
36721 10,901 5,629 16,530
37433 10,671 5,644 16,315
54073 10,081 6,136 16,217
50521 10,047 5,306 15,353
38334 9,992 5,328 15,320
51853 9,627 5,677 15,304
59008 9,762 5,447 15,209
53415 9,358 5,219 14,577
50884 9,090 5,305 14,395
35322 9,466 4,857 14,323
51354 8,919 5,401 14,320
40826 8,941 5,085 14,026
43530 8,657 5,181 13,838
45862 8,603 5,166 13,769
48816 8,803 4,746 13,549
50563 8,465 4,799 13,264
48260 8,467 4,730 13,197
43042 7,864 5,094 12,958
56846 8,212 4,663 12,875
43811 8,207 4,592 12,799
58327 8,035 4,445 12,480
37447 8,085 4,343 12,428
40020 7,823 4,548 12,371
50507 7,675 4,491 12,166
50171 7,519 4,498 12,017
44716 7,596 4,180 11,776
41484 7,316 4,369 11,685
55311 7,183 4,325 11,508
55469 6,664 4,806 11,470
46257 6,426 3,778 10,204

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 126,261,155 226,086,371 352,347,526
1 icmp 138,839,122 109,758,096 248,597,218
6 tcp 510,225 1,773,011 2,283,236