MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-23 12:09:48 UTC+0000 (289 days, 14 hrs, 24 mins, 54 secs ago)

In: 2,924,164,161
Out: 32,530,236
Total: 2,956,694,397

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 53)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
44612 2,441,461,914 26,905,124 2,468,367,038 0
52722 476,534,160 5,407,372 481,941,532 0
52922 710,616 8,172 718,788 0
41834 704,768 8,172 712,940 0
57450 457,800 15,340 473,140 0
37390 353,728 11,640 365,368 0
47658 337,434 10,820 348,254 0
48930 300,232 9,852 310,084 0
50288 298,798 10,112 308,910 0
51200 300,232 8,216 308,448 0
42792 270,564 9,124 279,688 0
60698 237,820 7,980 245,800 0
45158 231,876 7,748 239,624 0
36806 228,904 7,728 236,632 0
55190 224,498 7,628 232,126 0
60404 223,012 7,616 230,628 0
45706 223,012 7,484 230,496 0
43096 220,092 7,448 227,540 0
57996 214,148 7,260 221,408 0
34544 202,156 7,112 209,268 0
34526 200,670 6,848 207,518 0
57772 27,068 14,730 41,798 0
53298 32,752 1,116 33,868 0
52564 26,808 1,004 27,812 0
52612 26,212 844 27,056 0
39878 25,317 996 26,313 0
43768 21,914 800 22,714 0
53954 10,793 9,988 20,781 0
53918 7,715 7,263 14,978 0
40738 4,623 384 5,007 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
13838 26,905,124 2,441,461,914 2,468,367,038 0
26277 5,407,372 476,534,160 481,941,532 1
6668 8,172 710,616 718,788 1
44787 8,172 704,768 712,940 1
6031 15,340 457,800 473,140 1
52632 11,640 353,728 365,368 1
21116 10,820 337,434 348,254 1
5004 9,852 300,232 310,084 1
19193 10,112 298,798 308,910 1
38432 8,216 300,232 308,448 1
16246 9,124 270,564 279,688 1
57157 7,980 237,820 245,800 1
24320 7,748 231,876 239,624 1
63811 7,728 228,904 236,632 1
27686 7,628 224,498 232,126 1
46610 7,616 223,012 230,628 1
29056 7,484 223,012 230,496 1
35632 7,448 220,092 227,540 1
24978 7,260 214,148 221,408 1
46912 7,112 202,156 209,268 1
57286 6,848 200,670 207,518 1
21 ftp 22,434 24,369 46,803 4
22 ssh 16,748 29,384 46,132 2
25474 1,116 32,752 33,868 1
13348 1,004 26,808 27,812 1
39683 844 26,212 27,056 1
58229 996 25,317 26,313 1
55248 800 21,914 22,714 1
1080 socks 3,298 6,058 9,356 3
13663 384 4,623 5,007 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 2,924,164,161 32,530,236 2,956,694,397