MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-10-27 12:07:48 UTC+0000 (316 days, 14 hrs, 14 mins, 47 secs ago)

In: 7,042,003,415
Out: 80,374,649
Total: 7,122,378,064

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
47818 1,496,594,564 17,062,076 1,513,656,640 0
55710 1,145,910,061 12,700,636 1,158,610,697 0
40448 932,895,794 10,626,844 943,522,638 0
49914 875,404,484 9,976,776 885,381,260 0
39648 873,215,250 9,883,312 883,098,562 0
60882 833,423,384 9,485,704 842,909,088 0
46272 215,524,950 2,455,344 217,980,294 0
44496 98,672,406 1,138,704 99,811,110 0
48294 90,866,646 1,055,136 91,921,782 0
51944 88,617,863 1,035,700 89,653,563 0
47422 78,617,600 917,760 79,535,360 0
58060 78,585,116 922,124 79,507,240 0
54870 66,112,302 780,792 66,893,094 0
49740 57,758,793 676,548 58,435,341 0
49068 37,302,470 451,856 37,754,326 0
49174 33,335,154 432,100 33,767,254 0
44240 32,828,525 374,572 33,203,097 0
36412 609,162 17,456 626,618 0
38812 581,086 12,420 593,506 0
47564 543,988 15,528 559,516 0
49944 504,530 17,792 522,322 0
46326 488,816 15,712 504,528 0
58084 356,752 11,672 368,424 0
39094 319,562 9,328 328,890 0
34940 310,634 9,972 320,606 0
50458 280,966 9,188 290,154 0
58310 243,764 7,936 251,700 0
42082 237,820 8,220 246,040 0
49034 230,442 7,864 238,306 0
34396 200,722 6,744 207,466 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 35)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
25820 17,062,076 1,496,594,564 1,513,656,640 1
26100 12,700,636 1,145,910,061 1,158,610,697 1
36371 10,626,844 932,895,794 943,522,638 1
53241 9,976,776 875,404,484 885,381,260 1
63390 9,883,312 873,215,250 883,098,562 1
57740 9,485,704 833,423,384 842,909,088 1
16331 2,455,344 215,524,950 217,980,294 1
45401 1,138,704 98,672,406 99,811,110 1
44136 1,055,136 90,866,646 91,921,782 1
34911 1,035,700 88,617,863 89,653,563 1
45680 917,760 78,617,600 79,535,360 1
20067 922,124 78,585,116 79,507,240 1
32405 780,792 66,112,302 66,893,094 1
37982 676,548 57,758,793 58,435,341 1
53348 451,856 37,302,470 37,754,326 1
13214 432,100 33,335,154 33,767,254 1
41980 374,572 32,828,525 33,203,097 1
16556 17,456 609,162 626,618 1
58134 12,420 581,086 593,506 1
32260 15,528 543,988 559,516 1
50731 17,792 504,530 522,322 1
20714 15,712 488,816 504,528 1
18252 11,672 356,752 368,424 1
11877 9,328 319,562 328,890 1
21 ftp 163,389 164,061 327,450 18
32386 9,972 310,634 320,606 1
8101 9,188 280,966 290,154 1
45886 7,936 243,764 251,700 1
8919 8,220 237,820 246,040 1
7689 7,864 230,442 238,306 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 7,042,003,415 80,374,649 7,122,378,064