MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-05-20 15:49:21 UTC+0000 (110 days, 10 hrs, 45 mins, 3 secs ago)

In: 4,981,535,089
Out: 89,534,051
Total: 5,071,069,140

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 54)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
56490 1,001,207,753 17,591,761 1,018,799,514 0
46746 196,428,882 3,451,812 199,880,694 0
59540 196,424,107 3,430,400 199,854,507 0
39288 195,528,861 3,440,327 198,969,188 0
38618 169,888,119 2,982,976 172,871,095 0
50732 159,604,243 2,805,735 162,409,978 0
41914 127,812,882 2,251,118 130,064,000 0
38418 120,983,273 2,131,412 123,114,685 0
52686 120,863,389 2,125,738 122,989,127 0
39156 81,925,019 1,446,117 83,371,136 0
55010 81,910,268 1,442,593 83,352,861 0
49360 81,917,567 1,401,153 83,318,720 0
32788 79,758,281 1,406,128 81,164,409 0
38246 68,052,021 1,177,774 69,229,795 0
58826 62,211,026 1,096,695 63,307,721 0
44240 59,548,490 1,049,817 60,598,307 0
55560 57,378,745 1,011,868 58,390,613 0
54784 48,593,471 856,113 49,449,584 0
33494 38,448,220 677,972 39,126,192 0
46420 33,893,472 598,530 34,492,002 0
35874 33,731,222 597,603 34,328,825 0
51748 32,937,533 586,175 33,523,708 0
38368 32,189,496 571,470 32,760,966 0
51332 32,182,088 568,438 32,750,526 0
43698 31,813,254 563,317 32,376,571 0
46236 30,217,346 536,737 30,754,083 0
60240 26,326,233 465,972 26,792,205 0
56302 25,277,369 449,399 25,726,768 0
53478 23,692,845 418,020 24,110,865 0
45362 20,264,143 359,421 20,623,564 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
1965 gemini 89,534,051 4,981,535,089 5,071,069,140 1,194

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 4,981,535,089 89,534,051 5,071,069,140