Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-12-06 13:24:40 UTC+0000 (276 days, 13 hrs, 8 mins, 18 secs ago)

In: 205,988,619
Out: 2,646,963
Total: 208,635,582

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 30)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
57349 205,562,403 2,569,009 208,131,412 0
32967 3,360 0 3,360 56
57332 1,108 701 1,809 0
49233 519 360 879 0
50893 475 280 755 0
53424 475 280 755 0
57230 475 280 755 0
49886 475 280 755 0
53930 475 280 755 0
49238 475 280 755 0
49231 475 280 755 0
55323 474 280 754 0
50064 474 280 754 0
50274 474 280 754 0
49267 474 280 754 0
58239 474 280 754 0
49243 474 280 754 0
50839 172 280 452 0
51179 172 280 452 0
49579 172 280 452 0
50554 172 280 452 0
50318 172 280 452 0
49867 172 280 452 0
52519 172 280 452 0
51948 172 280 452 0
49311 172 280 452 0
49390 120 152 272 0
55029 120 152 272 0
49359 120 152 272 0
53197 120 152 272 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-18 of 18)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 2,575,950 205,571,575 208,147,525 24
1 tcpmux 280 172 452 1
56147 0 300 300 0
56975 0 300 300 0
53489 0 300 300 0
36405 0 300 300 0
55669 0 300 300 0
40781 0 300 300 0
48857 0 300 300 0
38081 0 300 300 0
1910 152 120 272 3
49033 152 120 272 3
1547 152 120 272 3
1573 152 120 272 3
43233 0 240 240 0
53803 0 240 240 0
49993 0 240 240 0
35767 0 240 240 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
32967 396,261 69,645 465,906
1 11,616 0 11,616

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-8 of 8)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 66,114 407,877 473,991
40553 2,431 0 2,431
1573 275 0 275
1 275 0 275
1910 144 0 144
1547 144 0 144
43795 131 0 131
1836 131 0 131

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 205,575,587 2,576,838 208,152,425
17 udp 407,877 69,645 477,522
1 icmp 5,155 480 5,635