MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-10 14:08:34 UTC+0000 (302 days, 12 hrs, 30 mins, 15 secs ago)

In: 3,115,113,010
Out: 42,311,175
Total: 3,157,424,185

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 60)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
42198 685,206,278 11,968,067 697,174,345 0
37648 647,467,605 7,674,144 655,141,749 0
46114 151,995,212 1,777,608 153,772,820 0
40768 145,377,088 2,112,456 147,489,544 0
43258 141,882,202 1,646,536 143,528,738 0
59310 137,228,283 1,638,084 138,866,367 0
54924 128,442,552 1,593,828 130,036,380 0
42800 121,691,193 1,442,988 123,134,181 0
60072 115,785,452 1,346,360 117,131,812 0
59538 108,502,056 1,263,344 109,765,400 0
35752 99,866,838 1,184,360 101,051,198 0
45158 92,410,211 1,128,776 93,538,987 0
54626 87,395,768 1,045,072 88,440,840 0
58556 78,392,604 931,536 79,324,140 0
41676 53,584,816 636,540 54,221,356 0
53045 32,387,067 380,389 32,767,456 0
37528 19,639,348 234,056 19,873,404 0
43146 15,301,953 192,748 15,494,701 0
34870 15,180,351 198,992 15,379,343 0
34306 14,882,136 180,676 15,062,812 0
47440 14,377,926 170,084 14,548,010 0
42212 13,374,003 166,188 13,540,191 0
54546 12,245,088 149,456 12,394,544 0
46658 11,963,884 158,992 12,122,876 0
57422 10,797,050 135,548 10,932,598 0
52996 9,476,329 130,334 9,606,663 0
42188 9,332,891 126,736 9,459,627 0
52956 6,895,849 80,653 6,976,502 0
53008 6,836,211 98,846 6,935,057 0
51888 6,785,552 89,820 6,875,372 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 60)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 12,019,106 685,537,280 697,556,386 2
8419 7,674,144 647,467,605 655,141,749 1
11319 1,777,608 151,995,212 153,772,820 1
8723 2,112,456 145,377,088 147,489,544 1
64319 1,646,536 141,882,202 143,528,738 1
62111 1,638,084 137,228,283 138,866,367 1
40404 1,593,828 128,442,552 130,036,380 1
80 http 1,708,823 125,536,287 127,245,110 79
18424 1,442,988 121,691,193 123,134,181 1
13139 1,346,360 115,785,452 117,131,812 1
59891 1,263,344 108,502,056 109,765,400 1
9296 1,184,360 99,866,838 101,051,198 0
59592 1,128,776 92,410,211 93,538,987 1
61500 1,045,072 87,395,768 88,440,840 1
33276 931,536 78,392,604 79,324,140 1
43044 636,540 53,584,816 54,221,356 1
42579 234,056 19,639,348 19,873,404 1
27391 192,748 15,301,953 15,494,701 1
25731 198,992 15,180,351 15,379,343 1
50198 180,676 14,882,136 15,062,812 1
16375 170,084 14,377,926 14,548,010 1
21192 166,188 13,374,003 13,540,191 1
41157 149,456 12,245,088 12,394,544 1
33562 158,992 11,963,884 12,122,876 1
57986 135,548 10,797,050 10,932,598 1
58983 126,736 9,332,891 9,459,627 1
40160 89,820 6,785,552 6,875,372 1
7843 66,780 4,989,854 5,056,634 1
11892 35,888 1,948,414 1,984,302 1
35134 24,012 1,895,634 1,919,646 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 3,115,113,010 42,311,175 3,157,424,185