MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-10-25 09:55:58 UTC+0000 (318 days, 16 hrs, 27 mins, 39 secs ago)

In: 524,281,196
Out: 10,257,550
Total: 534,538,746

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 39)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
54770 21,977,026 403,156 22,380,182 0
45434 21,966,164 403,385 22,369,549 0
37396 21,964,678 401,772 22,366,450 0
48888 21,963,192 397,999 22,361,191 0
34718 21,960,220 399,617 22,359,837 0
51034 21,958,734 400,743 22,359,477 0
58710 21,957,248 399,316 22,356,564 0
52650 21,957,248 398,945 22,356,193 0
46452 21,936,496 404,737 22,341,233 0
55978 21,926,042 398,415 22,324,457 0
49150 21,921,584 402,424 22,324,008 0
58500 21,918,612 405,034 22,323,646 0
55428 21,917,126 394,270 22,311,396 0
42988 21,875,518 396,909 22,272,427 0
47772 21,832,424 397,767 22,230,191 0
60318 21,767,040 390,235 22,157,275 0
45654 20,489,670 377,452 20,867,122 0
48840 12,598,789 241,098 12,839,887 0
38926 10,263,468 201,812 10,465,280 0
53518 9,405,493 183,806 9,589,299 0
38484 8,830,849 187,505 9,018,354 0
58782 8,193,345 166,040 8,359,385 0
44030 7,411,109 150,891 7,562,000 0
36574 7,416,397 142,860 7,559,257 0
37822 7,280,043 148,461 7,428,504 0
58740 7,266,047 149,116 7,415,163 0
36964 6,413,638 136,586 6,550,224 0
57170 6,160,103 131,123 6,291,226 0
56308 5,219,058 107,427 5,326,485 0
37238 4,488,171 100,944 4,589,115 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 10,257,550 524,281,196 534,538,746 431

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 524,281,196 10,257,550 534,538,746