MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-31 17:02:56 UTC+0000 (7 days, 9 hrs, 35 mins, 42 secs ago)

In: 317,944,924
Out: 5,643,565
Total: 323,588,489

TCP ports on this host

(1-7 of 7)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
52287 317,882,082 5,617,135 323,499,217 0
11617 1,980 0 1,980 33
59042 513 954 1,467 0
56773 200 260 460 0
57845 200 260 460 0
60060 200 260 460 0
56107 200 260 460 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-10 of 10)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 5,618,089 317,882,595 323,500,684 1
60163 780 600 1,380 15
19517 260 200 460 5
49907 0 300 300 0
49557 0 300 300 0
36871 0 300 300 0
48543 0 300 300 0
59221 0 300 300 0
33777 0 240 240 0
50959 0 240 240 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total
46563 8,671 4,050 12,721
3334 8,295 2,773 11,068
57932 7,361 3,023 10,384
33827 6,856 2,916 9,772
44459 4,905 1,965 6,870
11617 5,283 1,583 6,866
19233 4,634 1,764 6,398
54556 2,134 1,094 3,228
24896 2,177 990 3,167
5493 1,034 500 1,534
34232 1,014 396 1,410
27325 676 264 940
48872 676 264 940
38937 622 286 908
60293 657 202 859
19415 600 252 852
23140 600 252 852
6890 337 143 480
24461 338 132 470
18950 331 126 457
58014 331 126 457
31044 311 143 454
45290 311 143 454
60761 311 143 454
44122 311 132 443
13625 300 126 426
19517 0 180 180
25092 77 86 163
60163 0 132 132
18940 0 125 125

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 17,465 44,481 61,946
51413 6,659 14,672 21,331
19517 180 0 180
60163 132 0 132

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 317,885,375 5,619,129 323,504,504
17 udp 59,153 24,436 83,589
1 icmp 396 0 396