Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-01 02:59:54 UTC+0000 (37 days, 23 hrs, 36 mins, 26 secs ago)

In: 644,962,747
Out: 12,247,463
Total: 657,210,210

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
58660 123,231,403 2,259,420 125,490,823 0
40631 82,279,875 1,517,096 83,796,971 0
25620 81,502,361 1,500,444 83,002,805 0
44181 63,439,563 1,172,876 64,612,439 0
34925 48,988,464 860,672 49,849,136 0
35474 36,057,968 619,228 36,677,196 0
19475 26,367,727 451,500 26,819,227 0
26415 26,040,187 447,660 26,487,847 0
19157 11,760,400 196,724 11,957,124 0
30784 11,626,438 201,840 11,828,278 0
57968 11,406,952 188,636 11,595,588 0
60941 9,922,412 168,456 10,090,868 0
63436 9,766,090 162,344 9,928,434 0
24100 5,513,687 95,016 5,608,703 0
47067 5,399,769 90,736 5,490,505 0
7930 4,793,024 81,468 4,874,492 0
25158 4,599,790 81,096 4,680,886 0
37469 4,418,158 75,516 4,493,674 0
58675 4,335,240 79,832 4,415,072 0
46495 4,139,283 74,784 4,214,067 0
7586 3,836,150 63,140 3,899,290 0
20813 3,465,456 64,580 3,530,036 0
13170 2,978,359 39,921 3,018,280 0
42085 2,487,710 49,064 2,536,774 0
58746 2,030,056 35,816 2,065,872 0
46539 2,035,593 29,559 2,065,152 0
56850 1,863,918 21,197 1,885,115 0
44791 1,795,563 26,792 1,822,355 0
15900 1,765,472 24,025 1,789,497 0
2127 1,738,445 24,534 1,762,979 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
1965 gemini 12,247,463 644,962,747 657,210,210 789

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 644,962,747 12,247,463 657,210,210