Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-02 00:41:37 UTC+0000 (6 days, 1 hr, 44 mins, 54 secs ago)

In: 192,492,312
Out: 6,195,796
Total: 198,688,108

TCP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
62772 840 0 840 14

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
38957 0 300 300 0
56781 0 300 300 0
49975 0 240 240 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 48)
Port Service In Out Total
62772 175,748,681 6,183,145 181,931,826
21845 71,148 0 71,148
43690 59,268 0 59,268
0 53,196 0 53,196
65531 13,464 0 13,464
30523 7,436 2,904 10,340
64482 8,844 0 8,844
57924 8,580 0 8,580
29806 6,084 2,376 8,460
65535 8,052 0 8,052
55468 5,070 1,980 7,050
13760 4,800 2,016 6,816
1 4,620 0 4,620
63192 3,110 1,320 4,430
8192 3,828 0 3,828
32768 1,980 0 1,980
14631 1,244 528 1,772
13 daytime 1,716 0 1,716
50247 1,341 336 1,677
13440 1,452 0 1,452
3360 1,320 0 1,320
16018 676 264 940
21812 676 264 940
23186 600 252 852
38704 792 0 792
49456 792 0 792
49345 792 0 792
26836 660 0 660
4426 660 0 660
53776 528 0 528

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 52)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 6,191,065 175,768,961 181,960,026
21845 0 69,432 69,432
43690 0 58,212 58,212
0 0 53,856 53,856
65531 0 17,952 17,952
51413 4,731 11,721 16,452
64482 0 14,520 14,520
65535 0 7,392 7,392
57956 0 4,488 4,488
57924 0 4,092 4,092
8192 0 3,696 3,696
4096 0 2,508 2,508
13 daytime 0 1,716 1,716
1542 0 1,452 1,452
3779 0 1,056 1,056
3360 0 1,056 1,056
2050 0 924 924
2086 gnunet 0 792 792
776 0 792 792
34082 0 660 660
17730 0 660 660
13440 0 660 660
1473 0 660 660
16568 0 528 528
52 0 528 528
33576 0 396 396
17228 0 396 396
50440 0 396 396
55763 0 132 132
984 0 132 132

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 192,491,472 6,195,796 198,687,268
6 tcp 840 0 840