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Online Teaching

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Tel/WhatsApp : UK: (44) (0) 7943055280 China: +86 19516310819



WeChat : wxid_mvi5mecug0q922

"A modern 21st century man from an outdated 19th century family"

This page is devoted to the teaching and training activities in which I am currently involved. I also have teaching material available on my gopher service in addition to my newly launched gemini service, and you can also finger me (finger ) to keep up with my latest news and what I am up to!

***New app available for Android devices***

Get our new app! (Beta Version)

Proceedure for installing Apps from an unknown developer: On devices running Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher, users must navigate to the Install unknown apps system settings screen to enable app installations from a particular location. On devices running Android 7.1.1 (API level 25) and lower, users should enable the Unknown sources system setting, found in Settings > Security on their devices.

The reason is that it is possible to produce a malicious app, and by default Android blocks third party app installation until the user opts in. The fact that it is possible to do so makes beta testing on Android much easier. It is not possiblke to beta test on IOS devices unless the device has been 'jailbroken' - hence why I have not got a beta version for IOS. A finished app may appear later for IOS devices. For full explanation of the process, please see here.

Want to help test the app? See below. Please note that it is a beta version. It will be released on play store later. For now, you will need to grant permission to install apps from an unknown source. Feedback would be most welcome! David

Please note: it is underdevelopment. Once fully developed it will be on app store for Android and IOS.

I am actually trialling beta versions of some other apps, including a messenger, AI app, news and madiia player, among others These are currently only available for Android (APK). For these and other downloads, see here...

The following material is chiefly intended for students at Shanxi Normal University. Files are mainly in PDF, ODT or ODP formats as I use OpenOffice to make teaching material.

This teaching material is for use in the English Classes at Shanxi Normal University. No index page as files can change without notice as plans are updated. Any questions or issues? My WeChat ID: wxid_mvi5mecug0q922 or my in China: +86 19516310819.

Please come to the lesson using a desktop or laptop computer (lessons cannot be delivered effectively on phones or tablets!!!) If you use tablets, phones or Ipads, most features and functionality will be unavailable, including notes, excercises and other functionality. For tablets and phones, the tiny display means you will strain your eyes trying to read what is on the screen. It will be a frustrating and ineffectual experience for teacher and student alike. For first lessons, I may be unable to complete the nescessary tasks.

There have been a number of occasions when students system time has caused missed lessons. Please check your computer clock here...

Google Chrome is recommended on most devices for the best view of Preply's Classroom. However, The latest versions of other browsers like Firefox, Opera and Safari and i and Microsoft Edge are supported (not the mobile versions!). Skype and Zoom can be used in some situations. However the clessroom functionality including notes and excercises will not be available.

We don't support Internet Explorer, Amazon Silk, FireFox Mobile.

Gateways for gopher and gemini protocols: these are good to get you started. But I would recommend using a dedicated client in longer term. Of course, I take you to my server directly, but feel free to browse 'goherspace' and 'geminispace' - you never know what you might find...

***Until you have a client to access my gopher site directly***, use this proxy to read in web browser. A dedicated client will be faster and look better in use.>

***Until you have a client to access my gemini site directly***, use this proxy server to read in a standard web browser. A dedicated client will be faster and look better in use.

***Notices for Students – please read***




My old life in the UK will ended on September 9th, 2024. I arrived in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China early on Monday 11th. I have been awarded a contract to teach at Shanxi Normal University starting September. It is counter-signed by the vice principal and finalised. The contract begins in September; I will be saving up for a visit to my lady in Burkina Faso during the summer recess next year. Living costs are low in China; unlike inthe UK I can actually ***SAVE*** (everything is just so expensive there; try looking at rents in the UK and you will get a clue(!) and I will not begin a new family in poverty; it is not my way of doing things!). Here is the website: David

,***PLEASE SEE HERE for details of my post departure timetable for online students.***

,***New Briefing for those due to teach in China this September***

In the meantime, students who are among my regular core of long term students, who have been unable to take lessons while I was in China should take advantage of the opportunity to catch up, and I will have Christmas and new year available. In the Christmas/New Year period in what should (I hope!) be my last in the UK. For younger students, you have school holidays so what are you waiting for? Older students have time off work in the majority of cases also. And when I have reason to celebrate See For details. And my conclusions?

After a long and in-depth analysis of which countries paid well, I conducted extensive analysis of their living costs and demographics...

United Arab Emirates has high living costs, so I will struggle to save.

Japan and South Korea also have fairly high living costs, and initial interviews in the summer of 2023 revealed a lot of competition;

China stands out as it combines low living costs with good pay for teaching staff. And - it has the added attraction in that I have now taught (at a Chinese University!) in person on two separate occasions now; - online on two occasions back in the days when COVID-19 made it difficult or impossible to visit in person.

I vitally need to be in a position to relocate and save for the business I plan to launch in West Africa.

So... I am likely to teach for two to three years in China (depending on contract); visiting Burkina Faso in the summer breaks, and complete a year in 2024/2025 to save. I think this will suffice. I will review this in 2026. Those who know me well know my motto.. "If a vital job needs to be done, do not procrastinate. Give me the opportunity and the resources, and I will get the job done. No excuses!"

A FAQ webinar from Succeed in Education about teaching in China

Any questions anyone? David, March 2024

New demonstration video for perspective overseas employers: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity and DNS issues

Notice for students - updated 18th September 2023

Last year, the issue of upfront costs prevented me from being ready and prepared to teach in person from August 2023, which was a devestating blow to me personally. I have a plan in place to be prepared by August, latest. If life has taught me anything, I appear to be very proficient when dealing with anticipated problems. It is the problems I am unaware of until short notice and therefore have not got a plan in place for which cause me the most distress. How do you prepare for a problem before you even become aware that it exists? And you would be astounded how much it can cost to get documents notarised and apostilled. Hundreds of pounds for what is effectively the stamping of a piece of paper!!! And of course, they do not teach you this on TEFL courses. Similarly, universities teach you everything - except how to get a job post graduation. See Why 48% of Graduates Never Get Graduate-level Jobs for an explanation (See above for help with Gemini links). Older generations had it easy in so may respects. If you do not believe me see See this report by the Intergenerational Foundation for details. And if you still take some convincing, even an exonomist has now started to take my stance also. "If you are under 50, get out of the UK while you can. The UK seems incapable of solving its own issues, and things are set to get worse." "If young British people knew what was good for them, they’d be on the next plane out of the country." SAM ASHWORTH-HAYES You see, I am not given to making sweeping claims without supporting evidence; it's not my way of doing things. Here is a currency converter if you want to know how much "hundreds of pounds" means in terms of your own currency. And we are in a cost of living crisis right now too! Although not unique to the UK, it feels particularly accute here as this ountry is already extortionate to live in at the bast of times! Try checking out housing costs, the tax burden, food banks, zero hour contracts and the housing crisis to name but a few.

Unfortunately Preply ties the profile position to hourly rate, effectively penalising those from “rip off countries” such as the UK and allows you to be undercut by those teachers fortunate enough to come from countries where living costs are considerably lower. Whereas I would be happy to give students discounts where appropriate (obviously students from Pakistan, Myanmar, Cambodia or Senegal, for example, could not pay as much as a student from say Germany or Sweden), I would rather be able to exercise this discression rather than being globally restricted. Since this prevents me from saving the money I need, I therefore have no alternative but to take additional work. The teaching operation in China is required for me to move ahead and build the future I feel I have long fought for.

I will of course try to keep rescheduling to a minimum; however there is no way to avoid it entirely. Rescheduled lessons will be forward shifted in time (to give the student time to check the revised time and advise if not suitable). Note: it is the fault of Preply’s policy, not my policy!!!

After arriving in China, I will be producing a revised timetable for online students; I do need to maintain an online student base also. I will be in China for the duretion of a category Z visa (which is required for one to work in China legaally!).

Any questions or issues, please get in contact as soon as possible. I am known nowadays for my strategic planning skills – however this depends crucially on the necessary resources being available!

Timezone note: The UK is UTC+0 (UTC+1 during British summer time ending October 29th this year); China is UTC+8 and Burkina Faso – my final destination - happens to be on UTC+0 like the UK!).

And – a full detail of my current schedule – which can be adjusted for your timezone – can be found here.

This notice is also prominently available on Gopher and the New Gemini Service; or you can finger me at for details in French, Italian, Ukranian and (On Gemini) Mandarin Chinese. With regards, David

***Please note: Students should continue to schedule classes until further notice - please see balow regarding travel details and the contingency plan. Please note that whe whole of China is in a single timezone; Beijing time is UTC+8. I anticipate that there will be limited avaibability for English language students in Europe, Asia and Africa during this period; unfortunately, if you are in Latin America the only availability during the period is likely to be limited and at weekends. Whereas I will aim to minimise disruption for English language students, some rescheduling and a limited schedule are unavoidable. be aware that I am currently working on a plan to go on to either Gambia or Nigeria thereafter; the respective timezones are UTC/UTC+1. So - availability will return to nearer normal. Please see here for details of my forthcoming visit to China - and how it affects your scheduling!!!! Any questions or issues - please contact me at the earliest oportunity.***

You can see an outline of my current availability here.

I would like to take the oportunity to appologise in advance for any disruption caused to students. Ukrainian students, I am taking a flexible approach as I am well aware that the availability of electrical power and internet service cannot be relied on due to the war. Please be reassured that affected students will be contacted at the earliest possible opportunity, as was the case for the rescheduling due to the analysis course.

If you are in any country where power and internet service may be unreliable (and Ukraine in particular) I will be operating a flexible approach.

Although things are now returning to normal at time of writing I am awaiting the arrival my visa. I will keep students in the loop regarding my travel plans. Note: Some rescheduling is highly likely around the time of my relocation; I will have to travel, quarentine and install fibreoptic internet service; I will keep my students in the loop. I sure hope that quarentine facility has Wi-Fi!!! This site will eventually appear on a .bf domain, which I can only register when I arrive in the country.

In addition, I have great solidarity with those from Ukraine, and am well aware of the situation regarding power and internet service outages – if a lesson is missed I will wait for the student to contact me to decide options for rescheduling.

Students should chack back here regularly for the latest updates. Press F5 to ensure that you are viewing the latest information.

With luck (and great resourcefulness!) I hope we can all get through this wholesale reconstrution of my life together. Ukraine – I am fully with you too! I will issue updates as the situation develops.

I am a serious modern man and I never make empty threats; I make only promises - and then only when I am certain I can keep them!! I am David and I am British!

With regards...



It is worth pointing out that these pages (including those related to English teaching) will remain online after my arrival in Burkina Faso, although the site domain name is to change from the current free DNS to a proper .bf domain name; is my intended DNS. Unfortunately these domain names require physical presence in the country to register. The pages concerned with English teaching will remain on line; Burkina Faso is a Francophone country and - although I will obviously need to learn some French (!), English is the language of the business world and those who join will require some working use of English. So - my contingency plan will be for Gloria (Fluent in English, French and Mossi, a language spoken in the region) to play a large role in the training of non-English speakers - for purposes here, 'an English speaker' will mean having an ability at CEFR level B1 intermediate; IELTS level 5.5-6 or higher. So, I will provide business training for English speakers, who will then train non-English speakers. So, the TEFL related material will remain of relevance and will, therefore, continue to remain available.

Hello dear students! I am a Certified English Teacher with TEFL Certificate. My name is David, I am an English teacher from London, United Kingdom and am certified to teach English as a Foreign or second language. At university I studied (BSc Electronics, graduated 2000) and computer science (MSc Computer Science, graduated 2004).

My background is in engineering with other knowledge and experience to share. I am a native English speaker with a clear, British accent. It has been said that I speak 'Oxford English' whether true or not - only you can decide; it is a matter of opinion! I am not one for blowing my own trumpet, indeed I am seen as shy - but it has been said that I am "Well Cultured" and "an English Gentleman" (!)

I have predominently been teaching English so far - but expect to see a transition to Electronic/Electrical Engineering, Physics and Mathematics. I have plans to teach more extensively as it supports group lessons, and am also set up on Zoom, Skype, Google Meets or Whatsapp. Payment can be made in USD, GBP, EUR, AUD, CAD, PHP or XOF - these are the currencies I am set up to support at time of writing.

I am interested in a range of subjects which include politics, astronomy, sociology and world affairs. I am also passionate about nature and the environment (I try to be as green as possible). I am a licensed radio amateur holding a full UK licence since 1995, and love outdoor pursuits which include hiking and cycling. I am keen to travel the world and enjoy meeting people from faraway places.

If you are from an engineering background and need help with engineering lauguage and terminology in English, my own background is ideal; I have a number of students from my own background who are seeking guidance in this area. (Engineering terms will not be found in a standard dictionary; I use the Oxford English Dictionary as my de facto standard for standard English teaching, but for specialist students with a career in an engineering related field, I have specialist engineering dictionaries available).

I am passionate about creating a fun, relaxed, easy-going environment in my classroom for younger learners, or a more formal teaching environment for older learners who may have specific requirements – for example, taking customer calls in an office setting.  If you are a beginner, I can help you learn the basics of English quickly and easily in either a relaxed or more formal learning environment. Either way, I look forward to meeting you!

I enjoy meeting people from any background, anywhere in the world. Although I am aware that booking your first lesson will feel a little intimidating for most of you; there is nothing to worry about. Let me share a secret with you: my first online teaching lesson was a little daunting as I was not fully used to the classroom as yet and I was more than a little a little unsure of what to expect. But that feeling wears off quite soon, as it will for you.

In due course, details of my Outschool teaching will appear here. On outschool, I can teach group lessons which pay better, in a nutshell - and I need to both support my ladies and save to launch the business. And my intention is to teach Electronics, Physics and possibly Mathematics there. Details will appear nearer the time. I have successfully taught a large (60+) group of Chinese engineering students on Zoom, and it paid well! Any comments or suggestions? If so, feel free to drop me a message! Why not finger (i.e the Unix finger command, finger !) me to find out what I am up to?

Teaching material on the new Gemini service. The how and why!


Downloads (Including Gemini and Gopher clients)

I am now hosting much material - including reading and reference material - on the so-called 'small internet' on Gopher and Gemini.

Why am I hosting material on Gopher and Gemini? Firstly, because it has many advantages, most significantly very low data and battery consumption for those in places where pople pay by the MB; secondly, as the site is educational and a significant percentage of my student base are from academic and/or engineering backgrounds, I encourage the promotion of knowledge and experimentation.

See also our Gemini site:

See also our Gopher site....

Here is an indroduction video

New indroduction video for overseas in-person teaching - for which I am now preparing...

Introduction video for Electronic Engineering & Computer Science

First lesson guide for new students

Teaching material on the new Gemini service - the Why & How

*** English Language Placement test - CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) testing for new students or trainees. ***.

General Practice for IELTS - past papers and guides. Mainly for guidance. Also past test papers for practice and preparation

More about proficiency levels and testing. Assessment tests compared: CEFR, IELTS & TOEFL

I now have a joint eBook publishing venture with professor Winston Ingram. And of course, my own book will appear here when I arrive in Burkina Faso. An accompanying video, The United Kingdom's Child Maintainance Service exposed, will be co-published simultaniously. Winston Ingram is a retired professor, medical photographer and musician. I have entered into a franchise to publish his life works electronically for the first time. In the first instance, eBooks are being made available in .kpf format for the Kindle; however later Epub and paperback will be available once a few teething problems are ironed out. And of course, my own book will be announced pending my arrival in Burkina Faso. I have a new eBook page being prepared here.

Please see here for details of my recent visit to the Yancheng Institute of Technology in Jiangsu Province, China!

***Material for English Language Students – for Enginnering Students***

My TEFL certificate dated November 2021

My current schedule - please note: this is ***READ ONLY*** to prevent misuse!

CEFR - Common European Framework Reference levels explained

Can I be fluent in time for my ijob interview next week?" Yeah sure! A teacher can answer this one of two ways...

Can you learn languages on a smartphone? Ask a teacher!

Key spelling differences between American, British & Australian spellings. Can cause confusion...

200 Common English Grammar Mistakes

Cambridge English Grammer in Use, 5th Edition

Complete English Grammar Rules

Another book on English Grammar Rules

Students often ask me this...

Perhaps you older people who buy housing for profit, or an 'investment', and could not care less about us under 50s who are priced out of both the mortgage and private rental sectors, and whose new housing developments you do not wich to see 'in your backyards - but who you nonetheless count on to pay your pensions, ought to listen to us after all....

Sentance Structure

IELTS Band Descriptors used by the examiner - important to understand...

IELTS British Council - Progress Check (paid)

IELTS Speaking preparation course levels 7-9

British English for listening practice

Udemy Learning English Courses

Udemy - Comprehensive English Course for Adults

Udemy Mastering English Grammar

Cambridge Grammar for English learners

Classroom Activities (No index page yet)

Presentations [various, ODP]

Young Learners [PDF]

ESL (English as a Second Language) resources [PPT - URGH, Micro$oft!]

IELTS Preparation Advice

Cambridge Grammar for IELTS

Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language>

Cambridge English student's book

IELTS Preparation Course - download only (Is 10 hours total, MP4 format video)

IELTS Preparation Course - download only (Over 11 hours total, MP4 format video)

TOEFL Preparation Course (ZIP file) for download

Learn all the tenses in English in depth. Note: 1.9GB. You may prefer to download.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language - glossary of terms

How the languages of Europe are related to each other...

Common Phrasal verbs in everyday English

Guide to English Metaphors

Common time management terms and phrases - VIP!

"I always add S, right?" Wrong! A common misconception about pleuralisation rules. Get ready for some surprises...

I like this video. Ideas about productivity dating back to the industrial revolution are not fit for purpose in 2023. Productivity myths busted! Do longer hours lead to increased productity? Does multitasking really get more done? The truth is here.

Computer science terms glossary

Electrical terms glossary (I am getting an increasing number of students from this background)

Common Business Phrases used in the office

BBC English Language learning for Business

Recomended phrases for managing a presentation and maintaining flow

Common Information Technology vocabulary (Alphabetical order; a teaching aid).

Glossary of Aviation terms

Glossary of Medical Terms - for Engish Language students in the Medical Profession.

Glossary of Engineering Terms - for Engish Language students.

Glossary of Chemistry Terms - for Engish Language students.

Glossary of History Terms - for Engish Language students.

Elements of the periodic table

Glossary of British Legal Terms - for Engish Language students.

So, you finding it difficult to actually use the language? Techniques for improving confidence when speaking

Tenses Tables for reference.

The 9 parts of Speech explained

First, second & third person speach

Conditionals (as in the context of language) explained.

Classification scheme for undergraduate coursework (UK)

Presentations for download

44 English sounds chart to assist with pronunciation

Can I change or get rid of my accent? A common request - but the importance of accents is overstated, and changing them is prodigal of student and teacher time.

Phonetic Alphabet - Used to ensure intelligibility on two way radio (many phonemes sound similar!), but informative in language teaching also.

By popular request: English Slang Terms (a FAQ from my students!)

British Slang Language Explained

Learning a British accent (This takes a long time).

Vocabulary related to the fashion industry - newly requested. (Useful for my own ladies too!!).

By popular request: English Idoms

History of the Internet

Is the Western world giving you the right incentives? I think not...Oh, really? Enguage the brain! The truth about Western Society.

Armaggedon is here - the exponential rise of Britain's Food Banks

Why I will never return to the UK when I finally leave. With a few more reasons besides those given by this British expatriot.

Is Britain's economy in terminal decline? Personally I am waiting to leave - and watch it crash & burn on CNN...

It makes me ashamed to be British: 'If the UK is one of the world's richest economies, they why are so many of its people poor, even destitute?' UK poverty - explained

BMX bikes? The ZX Spectrum? The Rubik Cube? What is my most enduring memory of the 1980s? None of these. No, the grating voice of Margaret bloody Thatcher on the news every night. Behold the grandmother and guardian angel of British inequality.

The World's most famous Serial Liar - Boris Johnson

And the aftermath of Boris Johnson - Lizz Truss, gross incompetance unleashed

If you are young and British - leave! How the Conservative Party Destroyed your future.

Preparing for a job interview in English (Horrors!)

What lies beyond in the Universe?

Work hard, save for the family, invest in the future? Yes right. Britain's Dementia Tax Exposed. (Gopher Link)

British Gas sending thugs to break into vulnerable people's home - to fit prepayment meters. (Civilised country? I think not).

***Material related to science and Engineering – for science and Enginnering Students***

Find your present GPS co-ordinates (you need to be connected using *HTTPS* for this to work on Chrome version 50 and over, have Javascript enabled, and grant permission)

Circuits Analysis © David Norris - For Chinese Electromechanical Engineering Course

For Chinese Analouge Electronics course 2024

For Chinese Electrical Machines course 2024

For Chinese Mathematics for Engineering course

For Chinese Engineering Foundation Mathematics

For Chinese Electronic Circuits CAD course

For information only (illegal to use in most countries!) - a 74HC14 schmitt trigger based radio jammer!

The Human Body in Thermal Imaging © David Norris [Based on Thermal Imaging the Human Body by Winston Ingram & Sarah Ward]

How to convert files to Kindle Package Format (.kpf) with Kindle Create

Outschool class Introduction to Astronomy

*** New Outschool class "A Young Person's Introduction to Electronics" - Schedule to be confirmed ***

A Young preson's introduction to Electronics (English UK)

A Young preson's introduction to Electronics (Chinese Simplified)

A Young preson's introduction to Electronics (French)

A Young preson's introduction to Electronics (Italien)

A Young preson's introduction to Electronics (Ukranian)

*** Elements of the Periodic Table for High School Chemistry ***

*** Elements of the Periodic Table for High School Chemistry - course material***

A Young Person's Introduction to Electronics © David Norris - Course material

Elements of the Periodic Table under the Microscope with permission © from Winston Ingram & Sarah Ward, edited by David Norris - Course material

Common myths and misconceptions about electriciy debunked...

Photovoltaic Power - weighing up the pro's and cons © David Norris 2023

Happy Christmas Ouagadougou! Photovoltaic (Solar) power to 3 phase AC!

Digital Alarm Clock Demonstration

Temperature Measurement using a microcontroller

Temperature Control Demonstration

An insight into my charactor. Certain people might interpret my current quiet time as the calm before the storm, so to speak. An implied meaning indeed. Don't try this at home guys.

Legacy chargers for construction industry - last few left! An example of my craftmanship. Want one? Let me know!

Why do my photovoltaic power designs need to convert the power to AC - and why does the whole world use alternating current at either 50Hz or 60Hz? And why do voltages range from 100 to 240 volts RMS? A look at the history! In US English

Of course, the "War of the Currents" predated the discovery of semiconductors. Since semiconductors, methods are now available to convert DC voltages. And of course, semiconductors have revolutionised the way we live and work.

Image Display (BMP) using a microcontroller and ST7735R colour liquid crystal display

The Story of Electricity (How it was discovered) - focusiing on the history rather than the technical side. In British English.

The Five ages of the Universe

Fred Adams - Into the Dark - the long term fate of our dying Universe

Introduction to Optical Astronomy (Unaided eye objects only)

UK Parlienment debate (2006) - good reading practice

The OSI (Open Standard for Interconnection) model explained

Is 'Great' Britain in terminal decline?

Example Presentation: Introduction to Optical Astromony (Used on Outschool) (Introduction Video)

Could humanity survive a mass extinction event, of the magnitude which ended the reign of the dinosaurs?

The story of Earth, from beginning to end

Simplified timeline of the future: Easier to read than five ages of the universe, but just as thought provoking...

Of course, asteroid or comet impect is not the only threat. Could the Earth be evacuated? Possibly? By at least some of humanity? In US English.

When Aliens Attack - based on a realistic Scenario

'Generating a 50Hz Sinewave using a ATMEGA8 Microcontroller by David Norris'

PIC16F877A Stepper Motor Controller Demonstration


Downloads (Including Gopher and Gemini Clients) - updated.

See also our Gemini site:

See also our Gopher site....

***NEW*** - Check out our band new Gemini service! Needs a Gemini Browser.

For a Gemini/Gopher browser you can download Lagrange for Windows or Android from our downloads page.